DVMS 8th Grade Saturday School Registration Form
                                              PLEASE FILL OUT ONE FORM FOR EACH STUDENT ATTENDING
Date: Saturday, April 23rd
Time: 8AM-Noon
Location: Check-In at the Library

If you have an absence that you would like to clear or would like to participate in Academic Support, please sign up below. Thank you!

While in attendance at Saturday School, please be notified that : 1) school rules and dress code will be followed, 2) arrival must be promptly at 8:00 a.m., 3) students must be prepared, and 4) transportation to and from Saturday School is the parents(s)/guardian(s) responsibility.
I understand that no medical/nursing supervision is provided during Saturday School hours.

If at any time during the class, the child becomes a disciplinary problem you will be notified and requested to pick up your child.

                                       PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR STUDENT BRINGS THEIR CHROMEBOOK!
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