OPEN Karachi Elevator Pitch Competition
OPEN Karachi Elevator Pitch Competition 2016-17

OPEN Karachi is delighted to announce its 4th Annual Conference “eCon 2017” on Saturday, 14th January 2017, at IoBM, Karachi. The theme of this year’ event is “Scaling through Investment”.
For startup we are organizing elevator pitch competition where as a participant, the startups will present in front of the panel of judges & investors with the possibility of earning the following rewards, benefits & incentives:
1. For winners:
a. Cash prizes & possibility of a sponsored trip with opportunity to present at selected OPEN chapters in the US
2. For all participants:
a. Possibility of getting funded by 10Xc & OPEN Angel Investment Fund
b. Showcase the products / solutions at eCON ’17 Startup Expo
c. Featured in Pakistan’s 1st Startup registry
d. Certificate of participation

(Registrations is closed on 4th January 2017)
Pre- Screening event will be held by 7th January 2017 at IoBM 09: 30 am - 2:00 pm  

(to be filled by Company President/CEO)

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