MLS New Test Piloting
We are looking for partner schools who would like to pilot new and updated MLS tests before they are released more widely.

Some highlights of new tests:
* New and updated Reading Comprehension tests will test grades Kindergarten through nine so the Early Literacy portion is now part of the main test.
* New and updated Math tests will test grades 1-9.
* Updated teacher reports now articulate all skills in the language of the NGLS and give itemized breakdowns by skill, providing more detail for each student.

Partner pilot schools and districts will be given access to the new tests before they are released more widely. We will ask you to give feedback on display issues or anything else that comes up as students take the test.

Additionally, we are looking for partners to help calibrate the two versions of the Spanish Reading comprehension test. This will require students to be tested twice on two different forms of the Spanish Reading Comprehension test. The two tests must be administered within a month of each other. The MLS team can provide registration support to schools who are looking to test large groups for General Literacy Evaluation.

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