Church Membership FPCE 
You don't need a church membership to believe in God; however, membership in the church is the best way for you to publicly confess Jesus as your Lord and build accountability as you aim to participate in the Great Commission. The process to become a member is simple: Complete this form and with that information, the Church and pastor will know more about you, and we will have a membership reception on Sept. 29th during our unified worship service in the Sanctuary, with a luncheon to celebrate you!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Please provide your full name and the names of any family members who also wish to become members.
Phone Number
Have you been a Member of a Church before? If yes, tell us about your most recent experience.  
Five Things that the Church Ought to know About You
If you have any questions for the Session or Pastor Mario that you would like to address before becoming a member of the church, please include them here.
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