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Instructions to Request for CFUMC Communication/Publication
* Please submit all information, text, graphics 1 week prior to publications (Please know that information may be changed depending on publication limitations).
* We produce a newsletter twice a month, bulletin and handout weekly. Space is always limited, editorial and placement decisions will be made.
* Remember to fill out your "Request for Usage of Church Facilities Form" if needed.
* If you would like the event success to be shared afterwards, please submit maximum of 2 pictures and description of the event to
soon after the event.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Team/Committee Name
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Contact Person's Name
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
Event Name
Your answer
Event Date & Time
Your answer
Event Description/Details
Your answer
What information would you like to see on Social Media posts?
Your answer
Is there an image that should be included in the communication?
Yes. If you click yes, please email file/picture to
Please check all the preferred methods of communication.
Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
Bi-Weekly Newsletter
Scrolling on TVs in classrooms
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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