Instructions to Request for CFUMC Communication/Publication
*  Please submit all information, text, graphics 1 week prior to publications (Please know that information may be changed depending on publication limitations). 

* We produce a newsletter twice a month, bulletin and handout weekly. Space is always limited, editorial and placement decisions will be made.

*  Remember to fill out your "Request for Usage of Church Facilities Form" if needed.

*  If you would like the event success to be shared afterwards, please submit maximum of 2 pictures and description of the event to soon after the event.
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Email *
Team/Committee Name *
Contact Person's Name *
Phone Number *
Event Name *
Event Date & Time *
Event Description/Details *
What information would you like to see on Social Media posts? *
Is there an image that should be included in the communication?
Please check all the preferred methods of communication. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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