AAGC 2024 Creativity Night
On Wednesday, October 16th (4:30pm - 5:30pm), AAGC will host the annual Creativity Night, an event that will equip you to nurture creative and gifted minds in your classroom! Choose your own path to experience a variety of creative explorations to implement in the classroom. Enjoy spontaneous celebrations and random prize drawings between rounds. Be sure to join the fun!
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For PresentersStations will be set up for each presenter. Presenters should plan a 15-minute activity to present to 4 groups. These should be highly interactive presentations, and the presenter(s) should keep in mind this is a high-energy setting. Your primary audience will be classroom teachers.  

After creativity night proposals are reviewed, an email will be sent to the lead presenter to let the applicant know the status of their proposal.

If accepted, your name and your co-presenters’ names will be included in the program along with the title of your presentation. Since presenter names will be included in the program, make sure that you complete all presenter names as you want them to appear in the program. 

Please list the first and last name of each presenter on the proposal and in the order it should appear on the program:

What is the affiliation for each presenter? (Please list the affiliations in the same order as presenters): *
E-mail address for the lead presenter:  *
Phone number for the lead presenter: *
Title of Presentation: *
Please write a brief proposal description to be included in the program (150 - 200 words):  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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