ARKTESOL Educator Grant Application
The ARKTESOL Educator Grant was established in 2013 and is to be used to provide a small grant to non-administrative ESOL educators for activities or materials that cannot be funded from other sources. Grants cannot be used to fund regular classroom equipment, entertainment, field trips, food, or regular instructional materials.

The deadline to submit the grant application is April 1st.
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Before submitting an application, a teacher must confer with the building principal or ESOL coordinator to determine whether the request can be funded through district funds. *
The grantee will receive a check, $500.00, by June 1st, and the grant project will be implemented during the following school year. The ARKTESOL Educator Grant Award winner will be announced at the fall state ARKTESOL Conference. *
The grantee agrees to submit all receipts for items purchased no later than August 1st.   Upon completion of the project, a summary of the results must be submitted and the grantee is encouraged to present the results at the next year's ARKTESOL Conference. *
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