Computer Fundamental (MCQ)
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1) In which generation transistor is used?
1 point
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2) Which device cannot be shared in network?
1 point
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3) Which port does not exist in computer?
1 point
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4) 1 Nibble contains ................. bit.
1 point
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5) Which device will process data?
1 point
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6) Data store in ........
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7) The decimal equivalent of binary (1011)
1 point
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8) The scanner is the ...... device of computer system.
1 point
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9) Pentium means the ......... of computer.
1 point
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10) What is the name is given to the first generation of computer language?
1 point
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11) Compiler and interpreter are themselves ....
1 point
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12) A single byte consists of ........
1 point
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13) The main basic block of a computer system consists of ......
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14) According to the working principle computer is divided as .....
1 point
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15) What is modem?
1 point
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16) 1 MB corresponds to .....
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17) There are ..... types of language processor.
1 point
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18) Which of the following is an input device?
1 point
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19) Which of the following is not an output device?
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20) Which of the following is soft copy output?
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21) The processing elements of fifth generation of computer is
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22) The printing quality measures in resolution and resolution measures in .........
1 point
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23) MO disk is .........
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24) The output quality of the ......... is better than other.
1 point
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25) The ........ translate the source code into machine code.
1 point
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26) Which number system uses the both number and character to represent number?
1 point
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27) The device used in geographical mapping
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28) The size of the first floppy disk was
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29) DDR stands for
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30) Which is the function of ROMBIOS?
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