PCOM Student Research Opportunities Posting Request
Requests for posting research opportunities for students must be submitted a minimum of two weeks before the start of the project. Once submitted, requests will go directly to Jacquelyn White before they are posted. Please contact her at jacquelynwh@pcom.edu with any questions concerning  posting requests.
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Email *
Title of Study
Principal Investigator/Program Director
What institution, department, and if applicable, residency program are you affiliated with? *
Project Category *
Project Description *
Study Start Date *
Study End Date *
How many students are you interested in including in your research study *
How many hours per week will the student need to be working on this study?
Does this study involve human subjects? *
Has the research project been approved by the IRB? *
Are there any skills you would like your medical student to have prior to starting? (Prior research experience, proficient at excel, IRB drafting, datamining and/or entry, etc.) *
Will this study provide compensation for the student involved?
Where will the student be working? Please indicate if the student may work remotely. *
Contact Person
Contact Person's Position
Contact Person's Email
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