Eagle Scout Congratulatory Letter & Lapel Pin Request

The Grand Lodge of Texas would be pleased to forward a congratulatory letter to any Texas Scout upon the occasion of having earned the rank of Eagle. This is a special time for any young man. The Grand Master of Masons in Texas recognizes that each young man who has earned the rank of Eagle Scout has achieved a goal that is commendable.

Please complete the form below and submit it to request this communication from the Grand Master of Masons in Texas. The information below, when completed, will be used to create the congratulatory letter. When completing the form be sure to check for accuracy. Please allow 4 weeks for processing.

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Requestor's Name *
Phone number - in case of questions *
Best time to Contact *
Your E-Mail *
Would you like a Congratulatory Letter from the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas? *
Do you understand that if you want Certificate & Lapel Pin it must be ordered here? Grand Lodge Online Store
Would you like the Proclamation Certificate & Lapel Pin presented by a Lodge or Grand Lodge Officer?
If yes to the above which Lodge or Masonic District would host
Scout's Name
Scout's Age
Court of Honor Date
Unit Designation
Unit Number
Unit Council
Unit City
Unit County
Unit State
Mailing Address Where Letter, Certificate, & Lapel Pin Will Be Mailed: (include Name, if other than requestor)
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