Soaring City Tampa Fall 2023
Soaring City Tampa is an Uptown Tampa-based startup accelerator that launches in November. This sign up form will be collected and used to determine company participation. Please submit an application by November 24th*.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Founder First Name *
Founder Last Name *
LinkedIn Profile URL *
Role/Position in startup *
Name of Company *
Company Website *
If you don't have a website, enter "N/A."
Date Founded (If already founded)
What is your company structure? *
What industry is your company in?
In a few sentences, describe what your company does. *
Clearly articulate the problem your startup aims to address.
Describe your primary and secondary target audience. *

What unique value does your solution offer to the target audience?

Have you done any initial prototyping or conceptual work related to your idea?
If yes, please provide a brief description or any visual materials you might have. If no, enter N/A.
Do you have a pitch deck for your startup?
If yes, please share your pitch deck link here, or email files to If no, enter N/A.
Have you raised any funds to date?
If yes, provide details about the funding round and amount. If no, enter N/A.

Describe any customer research or validation efforts you have undertaken.

What is your startup's business model?  *

How do you intend to monetize your solution?


Why do you want to join this program?


Why do you believe your startup is a good fit for the startup and product accelerators of our studio?


What are your primary goals for participating in the studio’s accelerators? What do you hope to achieve by the end?


Are all core team members committed to fully participate in the program's duration?


Please provide 1-2 references (preferably professional) who can vouch for your startup and team.

Please provide:  Name, Phone Number, Email, and LinkedIn URL

What gender do you identify as? *
Please specify your race / ethnicity *

Is there anything else you'd like us to know about your startup or team?

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