Post-grad survey
We are collecting information to see how former Somersworth CTC Automotive students are doing after High School.  Please fill in as much information as possible to help us see how we're doing, and how we can improve!
Email *
First Name *
Last Name
Year graduated high school *
Did you attend college or technical school? *
What major or subject did you study?
Did you pursue employment in the automotive or mechanical field after high school? *
How would you rate the Auto program at Somersworth, based on your experience? *
How would you rate the level of instruction you received? *
What would you change about the program or the skills taught?
Would you add or remove topics from the curriculum?  What should we toss?  What should we add?
Would you change any of the tools or equipment in the program?  Is there something you feel could have been helpful to learn, re: equipment?
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