Weight Loss Progress Report
Please use this form to do your monthly progress report while using weight loss medications. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Patient Name *
Phone # *
Any new medications prescribed by any other provider? *
Any medical updates to your chart? *
What is your current weight? *
Any side effects or issues you wish to report? *
Do you need a refill of medication? *
Type of Medication *
Which medication do you need refilled? *
Injectable Meds: Which dosing are you at currently?
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Compounded Med: Do you need refill of syringes? *
Don't forget to go to the online store and place your next refill order if applicable after submitting your form. Right now Wegovy and Zepbound are on nationwide backorder and there is limited supply available. Southlake is averaging 5-7 business days to ship. Hallandale is running about 3 days to ship. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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