K-1st Library Book Match
Tell us a little bit about yourself by completing the form, so we can find out your likes and interests to match you with the best book(s)! Once your form is submitted, give us one day to review it and select books we think you'll like. We will send you an email to let you know when the book(s) are ready to pickup.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your Name *
Your Grade *
Your Teacher's Name *
What type of stories do you like (You may choose more than one)?
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What do you like to learn about in school?
What is your favorite book (you may list more than one)?
What is your favorite animal (you may list more than one)?
What is your favorite sport (you may list more than one)?
Do you have a favorite character you like to read about?
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If you answered yes, which favorite character (you may list more than one)?
Is there anything else we should know about your reading likes?
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