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Contract Address : https://etherscan.io/address/0x8b94010808f615cf379b36d02bbfbbf454759fe3

Token Name :HitexExchangeToken
Token Decimal : 8
Protocol : ERC20
Token per ETH : 7,000,000 HITEX
Min ETH (0.01) : 70.00 HITEX
Gas : 150,000
Gwei : please check https://ethgasstation.info/ for more information regarding the current required gas price.

Token Supply : 10,000,000,000 HITEX

Optional Bonus:

For %20 Bonus
👉Send 0.1 ETH to Smart Contract: 0x8b94010808f615cf379b36d02bbfbbf454759fe3
⚠️Set GAS LIMIT: 150,000 GWEI: check https://ethgasstation.info 
Receive: 700.000 + 140.000  HITEX instantly🔥🔥🔥🚀

For %50 Bonus
👉Send 1 ETH to Smart Contract: 0x8b94010808f615cf379b36d02bbfbbf454759fe3
⚠️Set GAS LIMIT: 150,000 GWEI: check https://ethgasstation.info 
Receive: 7,000,000 + 3,500,000  HITEX instantly🔥🔥🔥🚀
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Telegram Bounty Rules (Award: 5,000 HITEX)
Change your name to "www.hitex.exchange │ICO is live " (Example: user name; @adam1917 Name: www.hitex.exchange │ICO is live │                        
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Profile photo: http://hitex.exchange/logo2.png

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Twitter Bounty Rules (Award: 5,000 HITEX)
Change your name to "www.hitex.exchange │ICO is live " (Example: user name; @adam1917 Name: www.hitex.exchange │ICO is live │                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bio: Hitex │ ICO is live │ min 0.005 ETH go → https://hitex.exchange 

Profile photo: http://hitex.exchange/logo2.png
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Share Bounty Rules (Award: 5,000 HITEX)
Share About Hitex Once at any website or social media. (Medium, Youtube, Facebook, Steem-it, Anywhere you want)
Submit your content link below the form.

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Use Only Ethereum Address which supports ERC20 tokens. Do not use an exchange Address. We will not be responsible for any losses or incorrectly entered address details.
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