EOI Presenters | Drama NSW State Conference 2024

Inward Journeys, Outward Stories

Welcome to "Inward Journeys, Outward Stories," a captivating conference designed for drama teachers and researchers, inspired by Dorothy Heathcote's powerful quote: "I must have the ability to see the world through my students, and not my students through the world" (Heathcote, in O'Neill, 2015).

This conference invites participants to embark on a profound exploration of drama education as a transformative journey that begins within, fostering empathy, understanding, and self-awareness. By embodying Heathcote's vision, we will discover how drama can serve as a powerful medium to convey outward stories that authentically reflect the inner worlds of our students.

Key Themes:

  • Embracing Empathetic Imagination
  • The Inner World of Characters
  • Nurturing Vulnerability and Trust
  • Narrative as a Vehicle for Self-Expression
  • Exploring Multidimensional Realities
  • Cultivating Reflective Practitioners
  • The Power of Play and Embodiment
  • Cultural Representation and Diversity

Join us at "Inward Journeys, Outward Stories" to immerse yourself in an enriching experience, where we celebrate the transformative potential of drama education. Together, let's embrace Dorothy Heathcote's vision and inspire a new generation of empathetic storytellers, creating a world where students' voices and perspectives are authentically celebrated on the dramatic stage.

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Full Name *
Preferred Pronouns
Email *
Contact Number *
School/Company/Institute *
Position/Job Title *
Years of Experience *
What type of presentation would you like to give at the state conference? *

Please choose from the list below which topics/ areas you would be interested in presenting on (see conference themes above): 

Who is the audience for your submission?  (Select all that are relevant.) *

Please provide a 300 word biography. This will be used in the 2024 conference program.


Please write a paragraph giving insight into your experience in the areas of focus you have selected above. 

Presentation Title *

Provide a 300 word abstract for your presentation. If selected, this abstract will appear in the conference program .


Please describe the nature of your presentation and how it relates to the conference themes. What will delegates gain from your presentation? 


What technical/space requirements will you need?


Do you give permission to be filmed and/or photographed during your workshop? 


What is your availability for presenting at conference? 

Clear selection

Do you have any accessibility considerations or modifications needed in order to present your workshop? Please advise. 

Any additional notes / comments:
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