Women in Medicine Panel
This form will indicate that you are committing to attend a moderated panel on Women in Medicine hosted by RPMS and AMWA. We will have a panel of women physicians who will share their experiences in medicine, as a woman in leadership, and their thoughts about future directions of medicine!

The Women in Medicine Panel will be held Saturday, October 30 at 1 PM CST on Zoom!

Please sign up by 5 PM CST on Friday, October 29. You will receive the Zoom link and more information after filling out this form.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Sumin Choi (smc15@rice.edu), Anne Gao (axg2@rice.edu), Supraja Kadagandla (sk148@rice.edu), Sueda Cetinkaya (shc3@rice.edu), or Shreya Jain (sj59@rice.edu)!
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Do you have any questions you'd like to ask the panelists? Suggest them here.
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