r/crochet Rules Survey
What do you think of the Fursday Friends rule?
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The Fursday Friends rule should apply to:
We would like to define "Thursday" as 12:00 AM US Eastern time - 11:59 PM US Pacific time to clarify when Fursday Friends posts are allowed. Are you okay with this restriction?
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Currently, any posts with partial nudity (such as crop tops) get tagged as NSFW. We are suggesting to change it so that only nudity down to undergarments would trigger the NSFW tag (e.g. swimwear, lingerie, particularly revealing crop tops). Are you okay with loosening the restrictions on the NSFW rule?
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Do you like the new bot we added that asks for the pattern on all FO (finished object) posts?
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We recently added a bot that identifies reposts and automatically deletes those posts. What are your thoughts on this bot?
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