Graim Lab Undergraduate Research Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in working with the Graim lab! We are currently not taking on new undergraduate researchers, but it's possible that a spot may open at some point, as other undergraduates finish up their time in the lab.

If you'd like to work with the Graim lab, please fill out this form. If a spot opens up, and you're a strong candidate, I will contact you to set up a meeting and discuss our options.
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Email *
Your name *
What is your major (and minor, if you have one)? *
What year in your degree are you? *
What is your GPA?
Do you have a plan for after graduation? (It's ok to not know yet!) *
How many hours per week are you able to commit to working in the lab?
How many months/years are you looking to commit to working in the lab?
What interests you in computational biology research? *
What computational biology (or related) courses have you taken? *
What interests you in the Graim lab? *
Do you have previous research experience or have you worked in a lab? *
If you have previous research experience(s), please describe it in 3-5 sentences. Also state which lab(s) this experience was in and when.
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about you?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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