Send me a Secular Sponsor Packet!
Welcome to Secular Overeaters! Please fill out the information below, and we'll send you a packet of useful information including OA's brochure, A Guide for Sponsors, and other material of interest for secular sponsors. Please allow a week for the mailing (or longer if you're outside of the USA)--we're all volunteers here! (*Secular Overeaters is not affiliated with Overeaters Anonymous, but is a community of secular fellows in OA. As such, we encourage the use of outside resources and alternative Steps to help promote our recovery from compulsive food behaviors.)
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How did you find this link to request a Secular Sponsor Packet? *
If you selected "NONE of these," how did you find this link?
Are you currently a Secular Sponsor? *
If you're a Secular Sponsor, would you be willing to speak on one of our future panels?
We're looking for secular OA sponsors who are working with secular sponsees.
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Do you live in the United States of America? *
We'll be sending you the packet from the USA, and if you're in another country, it may take a while to get there!
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State/Territory/Region *
If you live in a country that does not use other regions in addition to the city and country, just write in "Not applicable."
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Can we add you to our email list? *
We promise we won't spam you! We'll send you a monthly newsletter about Secular Overeaters Zoom workshops and resources.
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