Work With Me!

Hey love!!

I am SO happy to see you interested in level up yourself AND business. The fact that you're even reaching out for help, IS the first step! And if you've made it to this form, you're interested in working 1:1 with me. Completely private, just me & you, deep diving into your business. 

Below are the 2 mentorship programs that I offer, and they both serve 2 completely different purposes and needs. If you're interested in working with me but you're not sure which one is the right fit for you, I'm more than happy to hop on a quick consult call or DM me so we can talk further! 



  • 4h session to deep dive into your business
  • Business blueprint & action plan
  • Focus on 1-2 areas in your business that you need help with 
  • 30 day unlimited voice note and text support (M-F 9am-4pm CST)
  • Access to one previously recorded program of your choice ($777-$1,199 value)
  • BONUS: Lialash online Photography course ($149 value)


Ideal if you’re looking for clarity, guidance and a list of action items to then go and execute on your own. 30 day unlimited voice note and text support will provide you the support needed if you have any questions post VIP Day.


Pay In Full : $1.5K USD  |   Payment Plan : 2 x $750/mo  or 3 x $500/mo

3 Month Mentorship 

  • 4 hour VIP Day kickoff 
  • 3 months of bi weekly 1h sessions (total of 6 sessions) 
  • 3 months of unlimited voice note and text support (M-F 9am-4pm CST)
  • Business blueprint & action plan
  • Access to all previously recorded programs and any programs launched during the mentorship ($2,473 value)
  • BONUS: Lialash online Photography course ($149 value)


Ideal if you’re looking for a high level of mentorship, accountability and long term support. This type of structure will allow you to build momentum, and consistency, while having accountability, guidance and support throughout the way.


Pay In Full $3.2K USD   |   Payment Plan: 3 x $1,066/mo or 5 x $640/mo

Note that Living in Alignment LLC. does not issue refunds.

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Email *
Full Name (First Name & Last Name) *

What city and country are you located in?


What is your IG handle?


What is your website? (If you have one)

When did you first hear about me? *

How did you hear about me?


Do you run your business.. (select below)

Tell me a bit about your business and your current situation. Throw it all at me! *

What is the main reason you are wanting mentorship right now? What are the main things you would love to work on together or get support with?


What would you love to have accomplished by the end of this mentorship? What would make this mentorship the best investment for you?


What is your biggest strength in business and/or marketing?

What is your biggest weakness in business and/or marketing?

What is your current monthly income? (on average)


What is your desired monthly income in the next 6-12 months?


What was your most recent worst month? Why was it the worst?


What personal development or coaching/mentorship programs have you done previously? How has your experience been?


What made you want to work with me specifically? 

What has pulled you to invest in this mentorship and why is now the right time for you?

Are you looking more for marketing or business help?

What is your level of experience in marketing? What do you currently do, what do you like/dislike about it, and what are some areas you could improve on? *

I offer 2 different private mentorship programs. Which one are you most interested in?


Lastly, how are you feeling about investing in mentorship?

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