Legislative Prayer Partners 2025
Thank you for your interest in participating in our legislative prayer partners project. By signing up for this project, you will join over 800 Sisters, Associates, Companions and Co-workers from more than thirty women's religious orders who will be praying for state legislators across the country along with you! Thank you for agreeing to pray regularly that our elected officials will make good decisions for the citizens they represent and for the common good.

Please fill out the form so that we may add you to the list. After submitting this form you will receive a confirmation email indicating that your sign up was received. In January you will receive another email detailing the state legislator(s) for whom you have been assigned to pray. Thank you for your prayers.
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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Sisters only - Religious Community (letters please - RSM, OP, etc)
Street Address *
City *
State (We are only assigning partners to legislators in the following states. If you live in another state and want to be a prayer partner check 'other' and type in your state of residence so we have your complete mailing address. We will assign you to one of the states below.) *
Zip Code *
Confirm Email Address: *
Affiliation *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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