SPIRIT WEEK 2016 Feedback & Reflection Survey- Kealakehe High School-WaveRider Times Newspaper
This is a chance for students/faculty/staff to give their feedback and thought about Spirit Week 2016 and all the related activities ...........Thanks for your time in filling this out....
This form is managed by WaveRider Times--the school newspaper- ALOHA.................
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How would you rate the activities for the week known as Spirit Week 2016? *
Very Exciting & Fun
What was your favorite Spirit Week day for dressing up? *
What was your favorite part of Spirit Week? *
What was/were your favorite games that happened during Wiki and Lunch?
How do you rate the overall quality of the Lip Sync performances?
Not so prepared- Amateur-Rookie
Very Prepared-Professional Quality
What was your favorite lip sync performance? *
What could the school (administration, teachers, staff, etc.) do to make the next Spirit Week a more fun, organized, and competitive-friendly event?
What could YOU as an individual done better to help your class during Spirit Week?
Name & Grade Level- *
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