Get in the Ring 2020
The time has come to stand out on the main global startup scene!

The ring bell has announced! It's time to sign up for Get In The Ring, and fight for the title of champion representing Brazil in the biggest global competition in Montreal.

In its 4th edition, the event will be online and fit in the schedule of the largest Latin American entrepreneurship initiative: the CASE+ Startup Summit!

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Full Name *
Best e-mail *
Telephone Number *
Please add the same of Whatsapp's.
LinkedIn *
If you do not have a profile, please type "X"
What is the name of your startup? *
Area of operation *
Do you have a website? *
Add here the website of your business. If you do not have a webpage, please type "X".
Is your startup on social media? *
Write down the main digital platforms which we can have more information abour your business.
Where are you placed? *
Please write down the city and state.
How does the model of business work in your startup? *
Describe how your project's revenue model is generated.
What are your business differentials that will lead you to succeed internationally? *
Add below the link of the pitch *
Your video must be full in English and be up to 3 minutes long. Introduce your startup, your ideas and market, answer how your business is associated with innovation and why you should take part in the Get in the Ring 2020. Upload the video online and then paste the link below.
How did you know about Get in the Ring 2020? *
Have you ever attended to a SEBRAE event? *
If your last answer is "yes", which event have you attended?
Upload your business logo.
The logo must be a 100x190 px on a white background.
I agree to receive communications from the Sistema Sebrae, ABStartups and/or Grupo Rede+, either directly or through their service providers, for participation in actions aimed at startups, in the Get In The Ring 20220 and other future actions. All information collected in this form will be used to set up the virtual stand and to participate in promotional materials and press releases, as well as for Grupo Rede+ and its partners to offer: programs, products and services that are of interest to startups. *
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