The Bond Between Community Animal Visit Program Volunteer Interest
The Bond Between Hope program offers companion animal visits to assisted living communities, group homes, and other facilities in the Twin Cities Metro area. The goal is to provide both humans and animals with comfort, socialization and companionship. You as a volunteer, will bring your personal animal, to participate in the visits. Each dog or cat MUST pass a temperament evaluation with The Bond Between staff in order to make the experience both enjoyable and safe for everyone involved.

Our volunteers are held to a high level of responsibility and dedication to the program and are expected to be responsive and involved. We would love to have you join us if you feel this will be a good fit!

Below are the The Bond Between Hope Program requirements:

- Successful completion of a temperament evaluation for the pet with The Bond Between staff
- Completion of the The Bond Between volunteer application and electronically signed volunteer agreement
- Proof of a current rabies vaccine for participating pet
- Participating pet must be OWNED by the volunteer.
- Participating pet must have lived with you for a minimum of 3 months (including fostering, if applicable).
- Dogs must be a minimum of 12 months in age. There is no age requirement for cats at this time.
- The program REQUIRES a minimum commitment of 1 regularly scheduled visit a month, approximately 1-2 hours at a time. The visit will most often occur at the same location, on a regularly rotating schedule (i.e. the 2nd Saturday of the month at 11am, every month). Please consider if you can commit to this expectation LONG TERM before completing this form.

Any questions? Please email 
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Is your dog or cat a good fit? All animals will be evaluated based on certain criteria, including but not limited to:
- Friendly demeanor
- Willingness and enjoyment of petting and attention
- Lack of jumping or “mouthiness”
- Basic Obedience
- Steady temperament
- Ability to remain calm around groups of people, in new places, and around some medical equipment
 Additionally, we will also be evaluating the human volunteers on their interpersonal skills, friendly and warm personality, ability to converse with a wide range of people and willingness to help.
Your Name *
Pet's Name *
Pet's breed *
Dogs must be 1 year or older; there are no age requirements for cats. How old is your pet? *
How long has your pet lived with you (including being fostered, if applicable)?
For the moment, we are only able to take on humans who have been vaccinated against covid-19. When was the date of your final vaccination?
Email address *
Phone Number *
City of Residence *
Pet's Veterinary Clinic *
Participation in the SHH Hope Program requires a proof of current rabies vaccination that you can provide upon your animal's acceptance into the program
Please note your general availability for visit start times
Late Morning / Early Afternoon
Late Afternoons / Early Evenings
What's next?
Once you push the Submit Button below, we'll have all the info we need! You will not need to check in on the status of your application.

Evaluations and orientations are typically conducted once per month. It may be a bit before we contact you but, sit tight, it will happen. Thanks!
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