Participate in the 2024 DMV Democracy Festival's Youth Assembly on Mental Health
The first DMV Democracy Festival's (DemFest) will take place on Saturday, October 26, 2024, at 1:00-6:00pm at Friendship Collegiate Academy, 4095 Minnesota Ave NE in DC, across the street from the Minnesota Ave Metro Train Station on the Orange Line.  Please mark your calendar now!  

On Saturday, October 26, 1-5pm, in person at DemFest, youth aged 12 to 25 will gather in small and large groups led by professionals to learn about, discuss and propose local to state-level policy solutions to mental health challenges facing youth.  The assembly will culminate with participants' specific policy proposals that, after DemFest, Learning Life will present to relevant elected officials and government staff.      
To apply to take part in the Youth Assembly, or to volunteer to help inform and guide the dialogue, please fill out the brief application below.  You must be 12 to 25 years old, and live in the Washington DC area, within no more than one hour's drive of Washington DC.  Those older than 25 can participate as observers, and should also fill out this application.   

All applicants accepted up to the limit of 150 persons.  All those who fill out this form will be kept updated via email about the Assembly and the wider DMV Democracy Festival. 

Learn more about the Youth Assembly here

Contact us at with any questions.      
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Email *
What is your first name? *
What is your last name?
How did you hear about the Youth Assembly on Mental Health?  Enter all that apply.   *
If you heard about DemFest from an organization or individual, what is their name?  If you don't remember, just write "DK" (Don't know).  
What city or town do you live in? *
Do you live in Washington DC, Maryland, or Virginia? *
What is a telephone number at which we can reach you and/or your parent(s) about the Youth Assembly? *
Are you applying to participate as a young person ages 12-25, to observe as an interested adult ages 26+, or to volunteer to help inform and guide the Youth Assembly?  *
What is the name of your school, if you go to school?  Please write the school's full name, with no abbreviations or acronyms.  If you don't go to school, enter "NA." *
What type of school do you go to, if any? *
What is your gender?
What is your race and ethnicity?  Please check all that apply.  
What is the highest level of education YOUR PARENT #1 has completed?  Please ask your parents if you do not know. ​
What is the highest level of education YOUR PARENT #2 has completed?  Please ask your parents if you do not know. ​
Would you like to receive periodic email invitations to Learning Life's local democracy and online international citizen diplomacy events?   
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