Oregon Student Voice Interest Form
We are a student-led organization that empowers students to be authentic partners with education decision makers. Membership is open to all Oregon students grades 6 through 12. No matter how you identify yourself or how others perceive you: we welcome you.

We collectively meet on the first Monday of every month from 7:45pm to 8:30pm virtually through Zoom, however attendance is not usually mandatory.

Are you on the fence about joining? Read this guide to learn more about what it means to be a member: http://bit.ly/osvmemberguide.

If you have any questions, please email us at info@oregonstudentvoice.com.
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Email *
Contact Information
What is your first and last name? *
What pronouns do you use? *
What is your personal email address? *
If you have a Google account, please provide that address as we use GoogleDrive for our work. Also, oftentimes we cannot reach out to school accounts due to administration's restrictions on them, so please provide a non school email address that we can contact you at.
What is your cell phone number? *
What school are you attending this year? *
Please give the full name of your school.
What grade are you in this year? *
What is your current age? *
How do you identify in terms of race/ethnicity? *
How do you identify in terms of gender? *
Tell Us A Little Bit About Yourself
Why do you want to have your voice heard? *
In just a 1 or 2 sentences, let us know why you want to participate or why you think this is important.
Is there anything else we should know about you?
How did you hear about OSV? *
Emergency Contact
Please provide an emergency contact that we can reach out to just in case.
First and Last Name *
Email Address *
Cell Phone Number *
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