Musician and sage Ken Medema will be the keynote leader for this year's pre-district conference continuing education workshop, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 1, at York Center Church of the Brethren in Lombard, Ill. His theme will be "Re-Imagining: Your Work, Your Play, Your Life," thinking about the ways we reconceptualize our church ministry and other aspects of life in these rapidly changing times. Participants will receive 0.5 CEU's. Clergy are especially encouraged to attend, but all are welcome. A flyer is attached.
Originally from Grand Rapids, Mich., Ken now lives in the San Francisco Bay area of California. Blind from birth, he is a singer, songwriter, and pianist whose music, storytelling, and improvisational skills have wowed audiences across the country and beyond. He has shared at numerous Church of the Brethren events over the years, including Annual Conference, National Older Adult Conference, and National Youth Conference. Read more about Ken at
Cost is $20, which includes lunch. Some rooms are available Thursday night for those coming a distance who would like to stay over; see information in the most recent district newsletter, or Please register by Oct. 20.