SDSE 2024 - Educators in STEAM Scholarship Application
The 2024 San Diego STEAM Educators Conference, held on 3/22/24 and 3/23/24, is a Professional Development & Networking Event for Educators (both formal and informal) to receive 100% interactive, hands-on programming from partners such as UCSD Extended Studies, Sally Ride Science, Fleet Science Center, University of San Diego, Hands-On Technology Education and more! 

The goal of the SDSE Conference is for EVERY educator to leave with an actionable plan that they can take back to their youth group. In order to achieve this goal, the conference features a curriculum planning and curation event where our team of San Diego STEAM experts will work with each attendee to develop an actionable STEAM plan for their organization.

Full and partial scholarships are being offered via our sponsors in order to make attendance more equitable for San Diego-based educators and to encourage diversity for STEAM education across the county.

The 2024 San Diego STEAM Educators Conference will be held on the campus of UC San Diego Extended Studies located at 9600 N. Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla CA, 92037
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What is your name? *
What is the best e-mail to reach you at? *
What is the best phone number to reach you at? *
What is your organizational affiliation (School, Club, etc.)? *
What city is this organization located in? *
What county is your organization in? *
What type of educator are you? (check all that apply) *
What grade range of students do you work with (or propose to work with)? *
Are you currently facilitating STEAM Programs at your organization? *
When are you most likely to NEXT implement STEAM programs for your program?  *
If given the SDSE Educators Scholarship, how many students would you and/your organizations STEAM programs impact due to the professional development you would receive at SDSE? *

Do your programs serve any underserved or traditionally underrepresented populations? If so, please list/describe below? (optional)

If given a SDSE Educators scholarship, how would the Professional Development & Networking conference help you facilitate STEAM programs in the future? (150 words or less)

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