Application: 2017/18 THRIVE HIV Policy Advocacy Fellowship
Thank you for your interest in becoming a 2017-2018 THRIVE HIV Policy Advocacy Fellow! This fellowship will take the form of a part-time paid position at Georgia Equality from November 2017 to April 2018. The fellowship is designed specifically for Black, Gay/Bi/SGL Men living with HIV to gain direct policy advocacy experience working alongside Georgia Equality staff in our office, at City Hall and the Georgia State Capitol. Please complete the application below and you will hear from us within 72 hours.

Eligibility Requirements:

- You must be someone living with HIV (have been diagnosed as HIV positive)
- You must self-identify as Black, African-American (Hispanic or non-Hispanic ethnicity)
- You must self-identify as Gay, Bisexual, Same-Gender Loving, Queer, Questioning, and/or other sexual orientations/gender identities that are not straight/heterosexual.
- You must be willing to talk openly to others including elected officials and potentially the media about living with HIV/being HIV positive

IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT CONFIDENTIALITY: This fellowship is intended specifically for people who are living with HIV (are HIV positive) and willing to talk about their HIV status publicly (i.e. openly discussing their positive HIV status with elected officials, the press, and other audiences). During the application process, program staff will do everything possible to ensure the confidentiality of applicants' identities. Only the Program Manager has direct access to the information you submit through this form. The Program Manager will contact you by email to set up a brief phone call to confirm details of your application, make sure you understand the program's expectations, and set up an interview. Following this initial email and a phone call, will be an in-person interview. Please be advised that interviewers will be aware that applicants are living with HIV (HIV positive). Sharing your HIV status is a different journey for everyone, and we recognize that public disclosure is not safe or comfortable for everyone. If you are not comfortable disclosing your HIV status to interviewers, elected officials or the press/media, you should not apply for this fellowship. There are many ways to gain support without disclosing your HIV status, and there are many ways to engage in advocacy without public disclosure. If you are interested in getting medical care or joining a support group, call Georgia's HIV info line at (800) 551-2728.
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Your first & last name
This doesn't have to be your legal name, but it should be a name that you use professionally.
Your email address *
Email is the main way we will communicate with participants for this program. Please use an email address that you check often.
Your phone number
Please provide a number that is a reliable way to call or text you. If you don't have one, leave it blank.
Tell us a little bit about your background.
Briefly tell us about where you're from, your experiences living with HIV, your hopes and dreams, and some things that you enjoy doing.
Why do you want this fellowship?
Why is it important to you to be an advocate for issues that affect people living with and at risk for HIV?
Tell us about any experience you have working specifically with policy advocacy (have you worked with elected officials to help them understand HIV? Have you advocated or lobbied in the past at the Capitol or City Hall, etc.?) If you don't have policy-specific experience, why does policy advocacy interest you?
Why is it important to you to be an advocate for issues that affect people living with and at risk for HIV?
This fellowship requires you to work 20 hours per week.
Will you be able to make this commitment between November 2017 to April 2017?
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Please tell us about your expected work/school/life schedule between November 2017 and April 2018. When is your free time and how much advance notice do you need to make schedule changes?
Use this space to tell us anything else you think we need to know about you to make our decision.
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