Cygnus Ventures - Explain Today, Imagine Tomorrow - Join Us
Come join us on our founding groups to help realize some amazing Cygnus Ventures and experiments (powered by the Grey Swan Guild). We are a guild for members, and driven by members. 

If you would like to build sustainable value and create lasting impact, work on the ground floor with other big thinkers AND doers, and be rewarded for your efforts, let us know your interest in being involved with these ventures listed below,

Thanks in advance and we hope to connect with you soon in the future on these projects,

Cygnus Ventures (part of the Grey Swan Guild)  | |.

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Cygnus Venturists Wanted:  We're looking for hundreds of outstanding global talent to build ventures of value that make better sense of the world. Apply now.
Your Name:
Your City
Your Profession/Company:
A. Official Cygnus Ventures Signups & Interest
A. Interest in being Involved in the Following Official Cygnus Guild Ventures  (maximum of three)
Strong Interest
Futuregazing - Sensemaking for Teens by Teens
The Radar Collection - Future Reports Minimizing the Surprise of Tomorrow
Cygnus Publishing - Books That Make Better Sense of the World
Gallery of Thoughts - Visualizing Concepts & Ideas
Weathervanes Intelligence - Beyond the Superficial, Primary & Custom Research
GSG Book Club - A Forum for Smart Reads
Podcasting - The GSG Network
Cygnus Thoughtleaders - World Class Wisdom in Action
Craft-Building Event Series - Learning, Relearning & Unlearning
Real Time Uncertainty Dashboard - Tracking a SuperCAFFEINATED World
Cygnus Sprints - On-Demand Consulting,& Advisory
Compass & Compendium - A Rosetta Stone for Making Sense of the World
Guildstack - The Most Intelligent Newsletter in Your Inbox
Guild Masterclasses - The Leading Curriculum for Change Agents
B.  Emerging "Skunkworks" Venture Experiment Interest
B. Interest in being Involved in the Following Skunkworks Venture Experiments (click all that apply)
Strong Interest
XSense Challenge - Open Intelligence Competition for World Impact
Swancoin - Crypto + Contribution + Intelligence
Liminalities - Video Documentaries
Grey Swan Playlist - Music That Makes You Smarter
Young Sensemakers - Global University Sensemakers
C.  Reason Why - Motivation. Passion and Value in Becoming a Venturist
C. Reason Why - simply, why are your passionate, valuable and/or want to join the ventures and experiments checkmarked above?
D. Any potential venture or experiment you would love the Guild to start? Would you be prepared to lead it?Note: no submission should reveal any confidential information in the submission, and provides no transfer or ownership of intellectual property protection to the submitter.
Captionless Image
Cygnus Ventures - Explain Today, Imagine Tomorrow.
Parent Organization - Grey Swan Guild - Making Sense of the World's Biggest Challenges & Next Grey Swans
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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