Budget Reduction Scenarios Input Portal
Thank you for visiting the Budget Reduction Scenario Input Portal. At their regularly scheduled meeting on November 20, the Fremont Board of Education received their first look at the budget reduction scenarios that will serve as the foundation for their discussion and decision around $34 million dollars in reductions needed to balance the District's budget deficit caused by declining enrollment and the end of one-time state and federal pandemic funding.

The Budget Input Portal is re-opened to now provide the Board with reaction to and input on the public budget reduction scenarios. You are invited to complete this form; your responses will be shared with the Board prior to their December 2 special meeting and December 18 regular meeting. Input will also be shared prior to the January 8 meeting at which the Board will give staff official direction on which reductions to pursue. 

Responses are anonymous, but will be shared as part of the public record; please consider its public nature when responding. 

If you have questions about the Balanced Budget for Fiscal Sustainability process and don't know who to direct your inquiry, feel free to email fusdweb@fusdk12.net. 

The Budget Reduction Scenario Input Portal will remain open until Friday, January 3.

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Select the descriptor(s) that best describes your relationship to Fremont USD. Check all that apply. 
Have you viewed, either live or recorded, any presentation or explanation of FUSD's current budget situation in the last 90 days? 
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Have you viewed the Budget Reduction Scenarios in their entirety? 
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What, if any, of the reduction scenarios would you like the Board to prioritize for reduction and why? The more specific you can be, the better. 
What, if any, of the reduction scenarios would you like the Board to remove from consideration and why? The more specific you can be, the better.
Are there any scenarios that were not included in the deck that you would like the Board to consider adding? 
Thank you for taking the time to provide your input. Before you submit, do you have any additional comments or requests for a question to be added to the FAQ?
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