We Want to Hear from You!

As SJUSD explores options to update local school facilities, we value input from our local community. Please fill out the survey below to share your priorities for San Jacinto Unified School District. 

Please rate as High, Medium or Low priorities. You may give the same rating to multiple items. 

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Upgrade older classrooms so they meet current health codes and building safety codes
Provide proper access for students with disabilities
Provide modern classrooms, labs and technology needed to support high quality instruction in math, science and engineering
Repair or replace deteriorating roofs, plumbing, sewer and electrical systems
Replace old, decaying portable classrooms that are expensive to repair and maintain with modern, permanent classrooms
Improve student safety and campus security systems, including fencing, cameras, emergency communication systems, smoke detectors, fire alarms and sprinklers
Provide modern classrooms and facilities needed to support high quality instruction in music, visual and performing arts
Improve pick-up, drop-off zones and parking lots to improve student safety and the flow of traffic on neighboring streets
Build new schools to keep up with enrollment growth and reduce overcrowding at existing schools
Do you currently have children attending SJUSD schools? 
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