CRoLEV RESEARCH DAY 2022 - Application Form

The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on the Rule of Law and European Values (CRoLEV) at the School of Law of the University of Central Lancashire in Cyprus (UCLan Cyprus), invites you to the 1st CRoLEV Research Day for advanced students, early career researchers, academics, professionals and members of the civil society interested in the study of the Rule of Law and European Values. 

The CRoLEV Research Day will unfold in two Parts. Registration to both parts is warranted.

Date: Thursday 8 December 2022 | Time 11:00 - 18:00 Cyprus time (i.e. 9:00 - 16:00 UK Time) 

The event will take place simultaneously on-site at the UCLan Cyprus Campus and online via Microsoft Teams.

University Address: UCLan Cyprus, 12-14 University Avenue, Pyla, Larnaka, 7080
Contact us at: or +357 24694048). 

NOTICE The webinar will be recorded and disseminated publicly subject to the Policies of UCLan Cyprus and CRoLEV, including its Privacy and GDPR Policy accessible here and
Consent from participants will be sought. Recordings and any related materials will be published on the CRoLEV’s website which is hosted at
In the webinar, each speaker and other participant will take part for educational purposes in an educational setting. Accordingly, what each participant will provide verbally, electronically or otherwise must not be accepted or interpreted as either legal advice or any other form of advice. 
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Name *
Surname *
City of residence/work
Email *
Employment/Job position
Please indicate whether you intend to participate in person or online (via MS Teams).
Declaration: I confirm that the information given on this form is true, complete and accurate and no information requested or other significant information has been omitted. *
I give consent for webinar materials to be sent to me electronically by email and/or in person. *
I understand that images/excerpts from the webinar may be included in publications and outputs. *
I give consent for my details to be disclosed to the Cyprus Bar Association and/or other regulatory body for CPD purposes, should the need arise. (The following applies to practising lawyers)
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I confirm that I may be contacted by the School of Law of UCLan Cyprus after the webinar for further activities. *
The following applies to practising lawyers registered in the Republic of Cyprus:
As per the announcement of the Cyprus Bar Association of the 14th January 2021 regarding Continuous Professional Development, lawyers cannot submit their CPD points themselves on the platform by uploading certificates. From now on, the CPD provider (in our case, the School of Law) should submit an attendance list on the platform, and the CPD unit of the Cyprus Bar Association will then calculate the CPD points for each participant. In doing so, we need your licence number on CBA.

Licence number:
With full knowledge of all foregoing, I agree to participate in this event and I hereby choose to attend the following event: *
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