Early Childhood Education Programs ● 524 Palisade St. Pasadena, CA 91103 ● (626) 396-5762 ● FAX (626) 798-7738 ●
earlychildeducation@pusd.us The Early Education Program maintains a current waiting list in accordance with admission priorities. All information on this application is kept in the strictest confidence guaranteed by the Education Code Section 8208(ai) and (aj).
Preschool Age Eligibility
Education Code Section 8208(ai) defines children must be (4) four years old or (3) three years old by December 2nd of the enrolling school year. Children turning 3 after December 2nd of the fiscal year may also be enrolled on or after their third birthday.
As defined in EC Section 8208(l), children with exceptional needs are children who have an individualized family service plan (IFSP) or an individualized education program (IEP), receive early intervention and related services or appropriate special education, and require the special attention of adults in a child care setting. Contractors must determine eligibility for enrollment as described in EC Section 8235(b). Additionally, contractors must enroll age-eligible children in admission priority order as specified in EC sections 8236 and 8263(b):