XR professional training
As follower of AiShed we value your opinion and we want to capture your impressions on introduction of XR in companies for training.  This will be useful information for a book we are writing on the convergence of XR and MBSE.

About the book:
Many professionals and enthusiasts can intuit the potential of new simulation and visualization technologies. The authors themselves have experienced the struggle of clarifying business benefits to a multitude of stakeholders many times. Without focusing on specific hardware, the book introduces the methodology and applications of Extended Reality (XR) technologies in the life cycle of complex systems as a natural part of model-based systems engineering (MBSE), making it an indispensable tool to optimize the workflow in large organizations and SME’s. Mixed Reality applications allow to bridge the physical and digital worlds by overlaying digital content over a live view of the 3D world that the user inhabits, although the level of congruence and context required of the display of digital data must be considered.
Through  theory and examples of successful applications from multiple industries the reader will gain insight in MBSE and how XR can be integrated in product lifecycle management.  

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To thank you for your participation you will receive a free copy of the book  "MBSE metaverse" (working title/cover), once published by Wiley in 2024. 
Whats your level of knowlege of XR?  *
What XR device do you you think it is more suited for XR training?
What among these application do you know or tried? *
How easy/intuitive is to get used to the VR/AR headsets in a training context?  *
Not very
Very much
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