Observable Radio - Voiceover Information
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Observable Radio! Please fill out this brief form so we can get an idea of how you can help.
Email *
Name (for Credits) *
Pronouns *
What genders are you comfortable performing? *
What age range are you comfortable performing? *
What accent is your normal speaking voice? Can you perform in any other accents?
What languages do you speak besides English that you'd feel comfortable performing in?
What other special vocal skills do you want us to know about? Screams? Impressions? Weird Noises?
Are there any topics/situations you are uncomfortable acting in? (The stories will not include sexualized violence but may include sexual content. There may also be discussion of body horror, use of curse words, and descriptions or implications of other horrifying material.) *
Can you briefly describe your recording Setup (What type of mic will you use, where can you record, etc.) *
Can you briefly describe your prior VO or acting experience?
Do you have a reel or samples to share? Please feel free to leave a link!
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