Chute Printing Inquiry Form
Hey there! We're looking forward to working with you. In order to help us get back to you quickly and provide you with the most accurate quote and production timelines, please take a few moments to tell us as much about your project as possible.

-Chute Studio
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Name *
Email *
Please describe the project you need printed. The more information you can give the more accurate of a quote and timeline we can provide. *
Link to sample of your project (you may also email them to
Have you created artwork for Riso before?
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Which colors do you plan to use for your prints? ( check out for a [mostly accurate] digital color chart and more info about each machine and it's size limitations. Remember to only select colors from one machine for each print)
What is the print / final trim size?
How many copies are you hoping to make (edition size)
What type of paper are you hoping to use
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If this is a book project, will you need us to bind the books? If so, how?
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What is your timeline for delivery of this project? (Note: deadlines shorter than two weeks may incur rush fees)
How did you hear about Chute?
Anything else we should know?
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