2023 UST Global Mentoring Conference Registration

1. Speaker: Dr. Seungyoon Lee(Peloton Interactive and Georgia Institute of Technology (United States))
2. Topic: Career path toward Audio software engineering and Machine learning
3. Date/time: 2023 Aug-21 / 1000-1130 (KST)

4. Place: Online (※ A Zoom address will be sent to your email and mobile number before the lecture begins.)
5. Abstract

This lecture will cover the current status of audio software engineering in industries of interest and provide a brief overview of the audio software engineering from the traditional approaches to the latest machine learning application in the area based on the specific needs and available computing. In describing the trade-off between available options and explaining which type of expertise would be required to consider various solutions and to contribute to the leading technologies, this lecture will give an idea of the technical aspect of software engineering, but not only that, it will give an insight about the soft skills that would be appreciated to make an even greater contribution to the community and society around us. Given that in mind, this lecture will provide general advice toward software engineering not limited to audio, but about how to become an expert in any area.


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