Financial Aid Application
This form is to be completed by all Boychoir Families who wish to be considered for general financial assistance in the 2023-2024 season. To be fully considered for assistance, complete this form in full, and deliver a copy of your most recent 1040, 1040EZ, or other tax return to Boychoir office by the deadline stated in Financial Aid Overview. Delivery instructions will be provided upon submission of this application. The Boychoir will not consider incomplete applications. Funds are subject to availability. All information provided will be kept strictly confidential.
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Email *
Boy's First Name *
Boy's Last Name *
Choir Session *
Parent/Guardian First Name (Primary) *
Parent/Guardian Last Name (Primary) *
Parent/Guardian First Name (Secondary)
Parent/Guardian Last Name (Secondary)
Primary Email - if different from above
Primary Phone *
Primary Street *
Primary City *
Primary State *
Primary Zip *
Place of Employment for Parent/Guardian (1). If unemployed, indicate with "n/a" *
Employer Address (1)
Employer Phone (1)
Place of Employment for Parent/Guardian (2)
Employer Address (2)
Employer Phone (2)
Please list all sources of household income, including amounts all wages, salaries, tips, child support, social security, welfare, ADC, interest, gifts, inheritance, etc. *
Please list all family members and dependents living in household by name and age: *
Please share more about your family’s need and/or about the assistance you are requesting (optional):
By typing your Full Name below and clicking Submit, you certify that you have reviewed and are familiar with information provided in the Financial Aid Overview, and that the information you have provided in this form is truthful and accurate to the best of your knowledge. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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