Great Puzzle Race: Team Competition
Join us for a friendly puzzle competition on Saturday, August 17 at 11:30 AM

Each team will be provided with a 500 piece puzzle. Then we will start the timer and teams will compete to complete the puzzle.

Whichever team completes the puzzle first, will win a Scoops gift card and a mini jigsaw puzzle for each team member .

Sign up as a group of 1-4 people.
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  • Each team receives the same puzzle
  • No one gets to see the puzzle until the timer begins – the puzzle boxes are placed face down before the competition starts
  • Individuals or teams try to put the puzzle together the fastest
  • If there is no declared winner by the end of the 120 minutes time limit, the winner is chosen by their remaining number of loose pieces
  • In the event of a tie, individuals or teams can be given an additional five minutes to work on the puzzle
  • There are no devices or outside assistance permitted while working on a puzzle
  • Individuals and teams are not allowed to distract or approach team tables when the competition is in progress
  • Teams get to keep their puzzle, completed or not.
Name *
Email *
Number of member in team
If you are less then a team of four (4) would you be willing to accept a walk-in request?
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