Volunteer Application
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Misfit Mutts Dog Rescue! Please note that because we are fully foster based we are unable to offer the same volunteer opportunities as shelters. The foster families take care of the dogs immediate needs. Volunteering for us will primarily be to help with events, transports, intakes and so on! All volunteer opportunities will be posted on Facebook, you will need to have access to a Facebook account.
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Email *
Full Name *
Name as it appears on Facebook  *
Phone Number *
City/state/zip code
Date of birth *
Please check which volunteer opportunities interest you the most: *
I understand that I am representing Misfit Mutts Dog Rescue when attending volunteer opportunities and will conduct myself in a professional manner.
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I understand that I will be required to sign a liability waiver because I will be potentially working with living animals. If under 18, a parent or legal guardian will need to sign the waiver. *
How did you hear about us? *
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