Reccomend a charity to Aura
Thanks for your interest in recommending a charity to Aura! We greatly appreciate your desire to make a positive impact.

We support charities that try to prevent and help the victims of:

1. Sexual crimes, such as rape or sexual assault;

2. Sexual orientation discrimination, such as when someone is treated unfairly because they define themselves as homosexual or bisexual;

3. Domestic violence, such as spousal abuse or coercive control.

If the charity you would like to recommend focuses on any of these issues please provide more details below.
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Full name *
Email address *
Name of the charity you would like to reccomend: *
Website of the charity you would like to reccomend: *
What problem is the charity trying to solve? *
Who is the charity trying to help? *
Why do you think Aura should support the charity that you are recommending? *
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