The Three Bridges registration

This form is ONLY for new runners and runners who have not registered since before covid.

DO NOT complete this form if you've already registered.

DO NOT complete this form TWICE

REPEAT: DO NOT REGISTER TWICE - if you're not showing on the Runners page, that's probably because we only upload new runners once per month.  If you register twice, you will just confuse everyone, including you.

By registering, you are declaring that you are a responsible adult, aged 18 or over. Children may not register.

After you have run once, you will be offered the chance to join the WhatsApp group.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your first name
Your last name
First part of a two part question.  We need your best 5K time in the past year? First we need the MINUTES, so if your best time was 23:54, then put 23.  Oh, and be honest :) 
Second part of a two part question:  We need your best 5K time in the past year? Second we need the SECONDS, so if your best time was 23:54, then put 54.  Oh, and be honest :) 

We need two digits for your answer, so if your best time was 23:02, then put 02
If you want to be categorised into an age group, please tell us your date of birth.  If you would prefer not to, that's fine - just leave this blank.
If you'd like to be categorised into male or female, please tell us your sex.  Again, if you would prefer not to, that's fine  - just leave this blank.
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If you belong to a running or athletics club, please tell us the name. 
The race is put on by volunteers.  If you interested in volunteering (no need to commit to a specific race now), please indicate.
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Anything else you want to add?  Comments, questions or just thoughts.
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