Registration form | Registracijos forma ATHIKA conference
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About the Event | Apie renginį  
🇺🇸 Kaunas Science and Technology Park in cooperation with ATHIKA project partners invites healthcare enthusiasts and professionals, start-ups, software developers, universities that prepare IT students, medics, innovation experts, and other interested stakeholders to attend the ATHIKA Final conference “Would you let a robot be your doctor?”.
Conference is focused on dissemination of information of Erasmus + project’s „Advanced Training in Health Innovation Knowledge Alliance“ (ATHIKA) results.

More information about the project: 
Contact person: 

📷The organizers will take photos and videos during the event

🇱🇹 Kauno mokslo ir technologijų parkas kartu su ATHIKA projekto partneriais kviečia sveikatos priežiūros entuziastus ir specialistus, startuolių komandas, universitetus, ruošiančius medikus, programinės įrangos kūrėjus, ir inovacijų ekspertus bei kitus suinteresuotus asmenis į tarptautinę konferenciją „ Would you let a robot be your doctor?“.

Renginys skirtas skleisti Erasmus+ projekto „Advanced Training in Health Innovation Knowledge Alliance“ (ATHIKA) rezultatus. Daugiau informacijos apie projektą: 

Kontaktinis asmuo: 

Renginys vyks anglų kalba.

📷Renginys gali būti fotografuojamas ir filmuojamas
Name, Surname |  Pavardė, vardas *
Organization/company represented  | Atstovaujama organizacija / įmonė *
Functions | Pareigos *
Address of the organization/company represented |  Atstovaujamos organizacijos / įmonės adresas *
 Contact Email  | Kontaktinis el. paštas *
Do you need a participant certificate?  |  Ar Jums reikalingas dalyvio pažymėjimas? *
I am aware that my personal data will be used within the frame of ATHIKA project, № 601106-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-KA. I agree that the personal data provided may be used for reporting purposes in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 by the coordinator Universitat Ramon Llull Fundacio. I give my agreement voluntarily and for the period of time essential for the purpose of the processing of my personal data (at least 5 years after the project end date). I am aware of the fact that, I have the right to revoke this agreement at no cost at any time, the right to access to my personal details, the right to their correction or deletion, and the right to block any incorrect personal data. | Registruodamiesi į ATHIKA konferenciją Jūs  patvirtinate, kad perskaitėte ir supratote Erasmus + ATHIKA projekto privatumo pranešimą viršuje. *
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