Rochester Heart and Soul Block Party in a Box Request Form
Thank you so much for your interest to offer up your home or space to learn what matters most to people in our community. By listening to the unique stories of those who live or have lived, work, play, and pray in Rochester, we can find common themes among residents and create roadmaps to enhance what people love about Rochester and start improving things that need changed.  

Our block party kit is designed to provide you with everything you need to gather stories while providing the flexibility to put your own spin on your party!

We will reimburse you up to $50 in (non-alcoholic) food and drink expenses, provide some party favors, promotional materials, and all of the instructions you need to help us gather stories.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our project coordinator, Ethan, at

Rochester Community Heart & Soul is supported by residents, local businesses, community partners, The Orton Family Foundation, The Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, and The Borough of Rochester. This project has been supported in part by the Pennsylvania Humanities Council, the Federal-State Partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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Your Name *
Email *
Phone *
Mailing Address *
Where will party occur? (if different than mailing address)
Possible dates for your block party? *
Your relation to Rochester. Note: Block party must occur in Rochester Boro or within 1 mile. *
Approximately how many people can you accommodate? *
Who might you invite to your block party? (Note: most people at the party should have some relation to Rochester) *
Why do you want to host a block party? *
How familiar are you with Rochester Community Heart & Soul? (Don't worry if you aren't that familiar, we can help!)
Not familiar
Very familiar!
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How did you hear about this? *
Block Party Requirements
We will provide story gathering materials, some promotional materials and party favors, and up to $50 in food and drink  expense reimbursement. You will host the block party and gather stories. We are not responsible for helping set up/host/facilitate/tear down your event, though we can try to find you some volunteers if you need help!

You must return the invoice form to receive up to $50 in food-related expenses. The Pennsylvania Humanities Council (our grantor) does not allow money to be spent on alcohol. You may have alcohol at your party but cannot be reimbursed for it.

Block party must occur in Rochester Borough, PA or within 1 mile.

You can put your own spin on your party but your party must include story gathering!

Have participants fill out release forms. This allows us to share photos and videos, as well as their story with Community Heart & Soul. Have participants fill out a demographics form (if willing). This helps us ensure we reach everyone in the community. Set ground rules: Everyone participates, shares honestly, allows space for others to speak, is respectful, is curious, seeks common ground, etc.

You must return all required documents and materials within one week of your party to Rochester Heart and Soul at 350 Adams St Rochester PA 15074.

Your party must occur by September 30, 2021.

Do you agree to our requirements? *
Any questions, comments, or concerns?
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