WHGPC Greater Wellington flying sites declaration
The Wellington Hang Gliding & Paragliding Club has a Special Access Permit with Greater Wellington Regional Council to access flying sites at Baring Head, Mt Climie, Battle Hill and Whitireia Park.  

Members of the NZHGPA are required annually, before flying at these sites, to confirm: 
   1) agreement with the conditions of the Special Access Permit, including the by-laws,
   2) that they have read and understood the health and safety plan, and, 
   3) if they are driving onto Baring Head or Mt Climie that they have provided their vehicle registration number(s).  

By agreeing to the following you also agree to this information, in whole or part, being shared with GWRC officers and WHGPC members.

If you have any comments or questions please use the contact information on https://whgpc.org.nz/
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Email *
By ticking the following boxes I confirm the following: *
Please provide registration numbers for all vehicles that you may use to access Baring Head and Mt Climie. This includes motorbikes.  If you will never use a vehicle but will only ever travel with another club member then put "N/A".  If you change your vehicle in the future please submit this form again.  The regional council has video cameras to monitor vehicle access and they cross-check vehicles accessing these areas with this database.  If non-listed vehicles access the parks we risk losing vehicle access for all members.
Vehicle registration number(s) *
First name AND surname *
Mobile phones
You will need to ensure that the phone number you register with the app is in this format 027XXXXXX, 021XXXXXX or 022XXXXXX, otherwise the bluetooth connection with the gate will not work.
Overseas phone numbers
If you are a visiting pilot and do not have an NZ number please enter 027 then the first seven digits of your phone number.  It does NOT matter that this number will not work as a phone number. It is the identity code that is swapped between the electronic fob and the Mycentsys Remote app on your phone - so you need to enter that number into the app when you register!  Please put your real phone number in the comments below.
Mobile phone #  *
Two weeks notice required before smart phone access is activated
Your response will be forwarded to GWRC and the ranger will then upload your phone number to the electronic gate. Please note that it may take up to two weeks after submitting this information before smart phone access is activated by GWRC.  They will then email you details of what you need to do.  The app that you will need to download from the app/play store is Mycentsys Remote.  
If you do not receive an email from Sven within one week of submitting this information please call him on 02 11 16 45 58 - as he needs to forward your details to the ranger!

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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