2025 Oakville Family Ribfest - On-Stage Entertainment Application
Thank you for your interest in our Ribfest. The form below  is not just for bands but also includes strolling entertainers and Saturday night DJ's ( something new for Ribfest). Fill out all parts that apply to you as a performer (especially Fee).  Feel free to customize your responses to suit.
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Contact Name *
Band Name *
How many members in your band?
Phone *
Email *
Have you played a Ribfest before? If so, where? Have you played for OFR before?
Are you local entertainment (Oakville area)?
What genre(s) do you play?
Do you have an audition video or web site video

What remuneration do you expect per day (we provide shared backline and PA system w monitors at no charge)

Are you willing to play outdoors, rain or shine?
Can you do 2 full sets of 45 minutes each with a short break in between?
Are you a tribute band? If so, to what band?
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