Book the Kensal Take-Over of Merchant Taylor - private lake swim, Sun 12th May 2024, 10-11am


We're delighted to again offer our private takeover of the lovely Merchant Taylor Lake on Sunday 12th May. 

It's open to everyone in our 'hood, not just those interested in Tri.

The lake is in the wonderful grounds of Merchant Taylors school - a 30 min drive away in Northwood (just off the M1, near Watford or via train/tube) and we can convoy it with lifts.

Adult and children's lessons are available again with Rav's Aloha team or you can pick the option of swim-only. It’s just us in the lake! 

The session is highly recommended to help you get used to a wetsuit for the first time or again and for learning key techniques.

Pics/a report here: 

Swimming without a wet suit is fine - although it will be compulsory at Blenheim and this is a great chance to practice.

Cost: £18 per adult group lesson (£10 swim only); £6 per child (same if joining a lesson). We'll reduce or waive costs if it's the difference between you being able to take part or not.

If we make any profit on the swim we will donate the proceeds to Laurence's Larder, the food aid charity in Brondesbury.

Event full Address: Merchant Taylors’ School, Sandy Lodge Road, Moor Park, Northwood, HA6 2HT (30 mins drive from Kensal Rise

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Us at Merchant Taylor last year!
Rav of Aloha with some of our team
I'd love a group lesson with Rav/his team (cost of £18 i.e. only £8 more than swim-only) *
Children's lessons available
I'll swim-only, no lesson (£10)
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Entry to the lake - us in June 2021
What are the names of adults likely attending? *
If you are bringing children, please let us know  names/ages and how proficient they are at swimming/openwater (so we can get the right number of instructors/groups).
Team of 2022
Comments and/or questions
Super swimmers 2022
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