Final Interview Questionare
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Name: *
E-Mail: *
Phone Number: *
Current city where you live? *
Year in School *
Age: *
Current School (or Graduated from): *
Do you enjoy working with people? *
Can you adapt to a low-key, relaxed approach to marketing and advertising? *
Do you feel this experience could benefit your future? *
Do you consider yourself a positive person? *
If given the proper training and knowledge, would you feel comfortable representing Cutco? *
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? *
What three things impressed you the most about the Vector/Cutco Opportunity? *
How did you hear about the job? (If from a friend, who?)
Brag about yourself. Grades, sports, clubs, work experience, background.(2-4 sentences)
Parents Name(s):
LinkedIn Profile (If you have one)
Personal Recommendation (Friends looking for work?)
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